Friday, June 22, 2012

Three Things Friday

I know it's not Thursday, but it's been a while since I did my "Three Things Thursday" post, and since I'm the one making the rules here, I say "Three Things Friday," while lacking in alliteration, is absolutely a go. (Besides, you probably wouldn't want to read "Five Things Friday" anyway--too many things.) So, here goes:

Thing one: It's the middle of June, but I'm setting a new goal for myself. New goals in June, you say?  I'm all for it. Want to know what it is? You'll have to wait, but it'll be worth it.

Thing two: Books I'm reading (reviews to follow when I actually finish them all):

  • Wild by Cheryl Strayed (thanks for the rec, Rebecca!)
  • The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism by Tim Keller
  • Jayber Crow  by Wendell Berry (I finally picked it up again and am enjoying it)
  • Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner (thanks for the rec, Virginia!)

Thing three: In an effort to begin child-proofing our home, we bought a new piece of furniture with cabinets to hide our office and art supplies. I absolutely LOVE the piece (too late at night and too much work to take a picture. Sorry, folks.), but it's a chore going through all our home office stuff as well as my teaching supplies. So. much. stuff. I mean, how many post-it notes does one person really need in a lifetime? Anyway, I'm in ultra purge mode right now. Felt so good to fill a trash bag today and get it out, out, out! I'm a minimalist by nature anyway, so me vs. clutter: I'm winning. It's just gonna take me a few days to beat it into submission.


Camille Platt said...

I heart purging!

Eating Cheetos said...

I love trash-bag therapy! Good for the soul! :)

Can't wait to read your book reviews!