Thursday, May 3, 2012

Three Things Thursday

Another Thursday here already. I have about five "real" posts in the queue, but they may have to wait until school is out to be polished and posted. On to this week's three things:

Thing one: I eat hamburgers out about once a year, and this year's juicy burger has been calling my name lately. I don't cook on Fridays, and, since tomorrow's Friday, I'm on a hunt for Birmingham's best burger. Any suggestions? 

Thing next: Funniest comments from my Junior High kids lately:
  • "Mrs. Johnson, what do you get when you cross a hippo and a hammer?" (I had to nip that one in the bud so I didn't even wait for the answer. Makes you wonder, though, huh?)
  • "Mrs. Johnson, can I pop this bag of popcorn?" (holds up bag of popcorn). Um, no. No, you may not. Any other questions you know the answer to?
  • "I'm a sweater, Mrs. Johnson. I just can't help it." Thanks for sharing. Bring some extra deodorant to school. Problem solved. 
  • "Could we do our Romeo and Juliet scene with Australian accents?" Once again, Shakespeare rolls over in his grave. 
Every day. Man, I'm going to miss that.

Thing last: Eating green beans COLD out of the fridge: yum, actually.

(Okay, so "thing last" was pretty lame. But I have serious writer's block tonight and a stack of papers to grade, so this is as good as it gets for now.) 

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