Saturday, April 27, 2013

I have to say something.

When I see political rants on Facebook or even other blogs, I have to be honest: I give them a good eye roll and move on. Not that I don't care about politics; I just don't care for everyone's too-often opinions on them via social media. 

That being said, I have to say something about the Dr. Kermit Gosnell trial

Haven't heard of it? Neither had I until a friend linked to an article on Facebook. Gosnell's abortion practices were uncovered by the FBI over three years ago and I'm just now hearing about it. Fair warning: the article linked above is graphic and horrific, and absolutely needs to be read. This isn't about the abortion debate anymore; no one really argues about the status of a full-term child. This is about a man brutally killing babies and endangering women and those in power turning a blind eye. It's wrong, it's appalling and it's not and never will be okay. 

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