Friday, February 1, 2013


So, a couple of weeks ago, we got our first box of produce from Freshfully, and let me tell you, it was a fabulous experience. I went to my designated pick-up location and my labeled box was sitting there waiting for me. The produce was well-preserved and packed, and I was so excited about our box that I forgot to take a picture of it before putting it all away in the fridge. This is pretty much what it looked like, though:

In our box: kale, 6 apples, a green pepper, 2 potatoes, a sweet potato, a turnip, lettuce, LOTS of collared greens, and some pecans. Let's just say all these greens forced me to be creative and hospitable. We ate up the lettuce without a problem between sandwiches and salads. We love green peppers, so that little sucker was gone in a day or two. We ate two of the apples during the week and put the others in a homemade apple-pear cobbler (delicious--I added pears to the recipe). I roasted the potatoes, sweet potato, and turnip with a sliced onion, olive oil and salt and pepper and served it over a green salad with a homemade dressing. Click here for the recipe I based that on. I also put kale into the green salad. The rest of the kale (and there's still some in my fridge) went several places: on sandwiches, pureed and added to ricotta cheese for Moo, and in smoothies. As for the pecans, they're still in my pantry, but they last for a while and I'll use them eventually.

So that leaves the collared greens. People, I've lived in the South my whole life, but have NEVER eaten or cooked collared greens. Ever. They're a little scary. And stinky. But I wasn't about to let them go to waste, and I'm always up for trying something once. Since I had so much of it, I invited several people over and added it to our dinner menu--a little risky, but they were close friends so I wasn't too worried. I wanted to steer clear of the traditional way of cooking it (boiling, smothering in butter, adding ham hock) because that seemed to take all the nutrients out of it, so I found this recipe for sauteing instead and it turned out well. The added bacon is key and I would also recommend a little butter. That being said, collared greens aren't my favorite. I still have some in my fridge staring back at my every day (they're still in perfect condition). I wonder if I could add them to smoothies? Seems like smoothies cover over a multitude of sins. We'll see.

I'll definitely be buying a freshfully box again, but maybe every other week since we couldn't consume everything fast enough--even after having people over to help us with it!


Paige W said...

I want to try this when we get back to Georgia. I buy the same things week after week in the grocery store so this will force some variety. I've never tried collard greens either- I was a willful child. They sound yummy though! :)

~Emily~ said...

There's a similar program here that we want to try. They deliver to our home, so hopefully we'll have a box of fresh veggies on our doorstep next Thursday!