Thursday, February 21, 2013

Three Things Thursday

Thing one:
Twice in the last week I've mistaken a little boy for a little girl; once I put my foot in my mouth about it.  To my credit, though, both boys were in bubble onesies with cable knit off-white sweaters buttoned only at the top button. Sorry to all you truly, truly Southern women out there, but those outfits just screamed GIRL. I know I grew up in the South too, but honestly, I don't get the whole dress-a-boy-like-a-girl thing.  I'm not into smocked clothes, bubble onesies with high socks, sailor suits, monograms or lacy collars on boys. Southern blasphemy! But it's true. To each his (or her) own, but I like my boy to look like a little man. I like him a little dirty with worn spots on his knees where he's been playing too hard, and stains on his shirt that tell me he's taking hold of life and not letting go; I like the lived in look. But that's just me.

Thing two:
I've abandoned Zora Neale Hurston's autobiography for Suzanne Collins' Catching Fire. I know, I know. So pedestrian. How could I possibly exchange caviar for cheese fries? But sometimes a girl's just gotta have some easy reading. Before you throw me to the brain-candy-reading gods, rest assured that I look forward to getting back to Hurston's book soon!

Thing three:

At least once a day, Moo asks (very nicely, I might add) to vacuum the floors. Let's just say my floors have never been so clean. Well, maybe not clean since I still hate to mop. But at least my floors are dirt-free, which works out pretty well considering some of every meal ends up on the floor these days. The best part: he has an absolute MELTDOWN when we have to stop. Biggest fit he ever throws, biggest tears he ever sheds. Over the vacuum. Poor kid needs a playmate. 

Thing extra: 
Did I tell you about the day Moo refused to take off the hat Phil got him from Ecuador? He even ate dinner in it and cried, cried, cried when he took it off and couldn't get it back on. Hilarious! Phil decided to join in the hat craze fun:

1 comment:

Camille Platt said...

amen on boys clothes. i feel even more weird when i see 3 year olds in smocking. i don't even like putting kids names on stuff, like monogramming!