Monday, November 5, 2012

Li'l Engineer

If I thought Moo was a bit of an engineer before, today confirmed my suspicions. In a matter of hours, the boy did the following:

While playing with my cell phone (a luxury on his part), he managed to call Phil at work all by himself. Then, while "talking" with his daddy, he texted "LOL" (I'm not making this up) to some 3-digit number that he dialed.

Then tonight when we started to watch one of his Baby Einstein videos before bed, I realized that the DVD wasn't in the player like it was earlier in the day. Apparently, in a moment when I was out of the room, the Li'l Engineer had figured out how to open the DVD player and remove the DVD.

Smarty pants.

1 comment:

Eating Cheetos said...

He's got the looks AND the brains.
The boy is the total package.
