Sunday, September 16, 2012


Note to self: if you put a baby's wet diaper in the wash--even on accident and you're not sure how it got there--tiny pieces of silicone will be all over the inside of the machine when the cycle is done and you will spend 20 minutes vacuuming out and wiping down the inside of your washer. Then, you'll spend another minute contemplating whether or not you really have to re-wash all the clothes you just ran.  However, if the load was big enough, the diaper itself will still be in one piece, although it will weigh as much as a gallon of milk. I guess that's saying something for Pampers, though, right?

P.S. I would have included some quality pictures so you could follow along on my adventures, but my camera battery died and was being recharged. Sometimes life's moments just have to go un-photographed.

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