Sunday, March 4, 2012

Moo's baptism

It was like a wedding there were so many people. Twenty, if I'm not mistaken. Every one of my siblings and their families came and most of Phil's family was able to be there as well as my grandparents. After it was all over, I had flashbacks of the hour of photos at my wedding ceremony: "Okay, now we need the grandparents. Okay, good. Now, let's get all the siblings, not spouses just yet, etc." I had to laugh. But how appropriate that the baptism of my son--his engagement to Jesus--felt like a wedding.

And the dress. Let me tell you about the baptismal gown. I get that he's a boy. I really do. And I get that we go to a more contemporary church, one where there are probably people who have never even seen a baptismal gown on any baby. But don't judge.  I have my reasons. You see, that baptismal gown is 122 years old. It belonged to my great-grandfather (Moo's great-great-grandfather) and pretty much everyone on my side of the family has worn it. I love the heritage of that gown, and the reminder that God often works through families to expand the Kingdom. I love that for generations, on both Phil's side and mine, our families have claimed the name of Jesus, and our prayer is that we will continue to live Him to our child. In fact, on the day of his baptism, four generations were represented--amazing. 

On a funny note, our pastor commented that Moo was "so mellow." Little did we know, he was getting sick (hence the flushed cheeks). Oh, well. I'll take mellow over fussy when he's sick! 


Eating Cheetos said...

Such an amazing testimony of Christ's love throughout generations! Love that the baptism gown was over 122 years old! Incredible. (By the way, I wish I looked even a smidgeon as cute as Moo when I get sick...)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad he wore the baptismal gown!

Molly Page said...

What an incredible family heirloom made even more special by it's symbolism. {plus it helps that you've got a super cute little one wrapped up in it!!!}