Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring BREAK

Remember that vacation I needed so desperately? 
Well, I got it. 
And, OH MY, it was all kinds of wonderful.  
We spent four relaxing days in the North Carolina mountains, 
just the three of us, 
and for four days I didn't:

wear makeup
check my email
make any phone calls
leave the house where we were staying
leave my sweats (except to put on workout pants for a walk)
read other people's blogs

We hardly even watched TV. The goal of this vacation was to simply BE as a family, and I wasn't bored for a moment. I was able to journal, take a bath, play lots with Moo, take family walks, play games, read together (book reviews to follow), eat an entire half gallon of my favorite ice cream (Edy's Slow Churned French Silk anyone?) by myself (!), catch up on the growing stack of magazines I hadn't had time to read, spend lazy mornings in bed getting Moo to try to roll over, and just talking and catching up with the best husband a girl could hope for. 

Mark Buchanan wrote a book on the Sabbath called The Rest of God, and in it, he argues that "the Sabbath is a day in which no other day has any claim." I love that. And this vacation felt like a relational Sabbath for us--a time when no other relationship had any claim (even though we LOVE our relationships with friends, family, and coworkers). It was just us. And it was so good. Pictures to come! 

A preview of blog topics to come:
  • Another round of book reviews
  • My latest addiction (besides Edy's French Silk ice cream) :)
  • Moo's milestones
  • Monthly recipe update (and a few recipes too!)

1 comment:

Eating Cheetos said...

How incredibly glorious! So glad you all were able to savor some good quality family time! Can't wait to see pictures!