Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Remember that 30 before 30 list? Well, I really tried to make it realistic, but I'm thinking that "learning to snow ski" might not actually happen before March 2012. Don't get me wrong--I hope it does, but the chances are pretty slim considering where we live and how little off time we have.

SO, I'm in the market for a replacement goal. And I need your help.

What should I add to my 30 before 30 list that's more realistic? If anyone gives me an idea that I actually use, I'll write a blog all about YOU (don't worry--I'll write about only the good stuff!).

Let those suggestions fly!


Melissa said...

Dye your hair pink.
Go to Highlands Bar and Grill with the Richies.
Meet Jeanette Walls.
Pierce something - your nose/belly button/cartilage/eyebrow. You pick.

If you choose one of my (wonderful) suggestions, you don't have to write a post about me...you already did that. It still makes me smile to think about it...

Anyway. Good to talk to you today and I love you.

Eating Cheetos said...

Okay, here's a pretty random sampling of suggestions for you...

Don't cut your hair for an entire year (well, maybe a teeny, tiny trim at some point). I know your hair is pretty long as it is, but I wanna see how long it could get in a year!

Go to a concert (next level: and go dressed like an all-out fan).

Make something that uses an ingredient that scares you. For me, this is dry active yeast. I know this is a pretty common ingredient, but it just freaks me out. I have ignored many recipes because of those three words.

Learn how to play a harmonica.

Write a letter to someone who has greatly influenced your life that has no idea the impact they've had.

Pick a person that you dislike and commit to pray for them every day.

And last, but certainly not least:
TAKE A ROADTRIP (or plane ride...) TO OKLAHOMA!

Molly Page said...

Have to admit I'm intimidated by the suggestions above...
But the challenge that I'm most scared of is "unplugging for a weekend". But feel free to up it to a week or a month...

Christen Sloderbeck said...

I love your "30 before 30" list. You inspire me! I will do #4 and #24 with you. :) Here are few random ideas for the replacement:

Write at least one snail-mail letter a month.
Plant a tree.
Have a conversation in another language.
Go to the midnight premiere of a movie.
Spend at least 7 days at the beach and 7 days in the mountains.

Erin said...

make your own sushi (or was that on the original list?)

host a for real tea party...china, scones, hats...gloves?

to add on the one above, don't cut your hair for the entire year, then donate it to locks for love

memorize a chapter (or book!) of the Bible (i would advise against leviticus)

Anonymous said...

You've probably already done this, but how about growing tomatoes from seeds. And then share the produce with those in need. Love you, dear lady, Virginia

Anonymous said...

BTW, if you want a place to either "unplug for a weekend" or to spend 7 days in the mountains - I have the place! Just let me know when. Love - VJ