Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Independence Day

They may be pale, they may be unpainted, heck--they may even be hairy, but today my feet are declaring their independence. Sure, I'm wearing cords and a fleece, but my feet are enjoying the liberation of flip flops...for the first time since August. And because this 70-something degree sunniness gives me that kid-out-of-school-for-the-summer feeling, I'm going to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch. There should be fireworks for days like this.


Christen Sloderbeck said...

Yay!! :)

Eating Cheetos said...

Aubrey and I have a song for just this:

Set your piggies free!
Set your piggies free!
It's time to lose
Those socks and shoes
And set your piggies free!
