Monday, March 22, 2010

Goat babies!

You might recall that my parents were the proud owners of two pregnant goats...and I say were because Maggie and Daisy (the goats) are now proud mamas of two kids each: Frodo (compliments of my 11-year-old brother) & Minuit (French for midnight), and Danny & Bubba. Minuit is the only girl and therefore has my heart since I grew up with three brothers and understand where she's coming from. We'll be selling the 3 boys, so if you're in the market...

I can (thankfully) take no credit for naming any of them, but I can say that these goat babies are oh-so-cute! From past posts, you may have picked up on the fact that I'm not an animal person, but these goat babies have changed my mind. I may not be a fully-grown-animal person, but I am definitely a baby-animal person. Did you know that within minutes of being born a baby goat can stand and walk? and that within a couple of hours they figure out how to eat? Here are a couple of pictures we took yesterday. The goats are 2 and 4 days old. Commence the ooohing and ahhhhing!
Joseph & Frodo
Phil & Minuit
Danny & Bubba (the lazy one)

"Sucklin," as Phil calls it.

P.S. I tried all day to upload 2 short videos of the goats, but blogger it was taking hours to upload and even then didn't finish, so I gave up and am posting pictures. Any suggestions or uploading video? I exported the video in the smallest format possible from iphoto and have searched the Internet for answers. Help!


Melissa said...

So precious. I grew up with neighbors who had goats, and I always wanted one. Even in college...just ask Thomas :)

I upload my videos to Vimeo. SOmetimes it takes a long time, but then once it's finished, I embed the html onto my blog so it doesn't even have to upload through blogger. Same with pictures...I've started using Flickr because blogger is just so slow.

Call me and I can walk you through it if you can't figure it out.

Eating Cheetos said...

I'm with you on the whole "animal" thing, but baby animals get me every time! And how sweet are these goat babies?! Awwwww!!

I really like the name chic for a goat. :)