Sunday, August 24, 2008

More is Less

I like to develop theories about various activities and patterns in the universe, and my latest is the "More is Less" Theory, which states that any product with enough sway, power, and popularity, eventually shortens its name. Take, for example, the Macintosh computer. When I hear the word "Macintosh," I think of pixled images, no Internet, Oregon Trail, and perforated printing paper, but when I hear the word "Mac," a thousand sleek, intelligent pictures come to mind. Why? Because Apple has conquered the More is Less Theory. Another example: Coke, formerly known as Coca-Cola. If I were to ask you for a Coca-cola, you might think I had aged a few decades or perhaps just arrived from another planet. Why use the mouth full "Coca-cola" when you could just ask for a Coke? Coke, too, has a firm grasp on the More is Less Theory.

This theory applies to people as well: become famous enough and we don't even need to mention your last name anymore. Cher. Bono. Regis. Madonna. Oprah. Actually, Oprah has moved beyond just the first name recognition to the single letter recognition, O. She and George W. do have something in common after all. However, Obama might be competing for rights to that letter, so we'll see what happens.

Despite what you might think, less isn't more.

1 comment:

katie said...

and there is always me, "butt." that would really simplify saying my whole name for people like you who would rather just call me and maybe others something like "butt."

you go on with your more is less theory, but in my case, i'll take the more. thanks.

oh, and my 8yr old likes to call people a "macintosh." not sure why... it's his choice for namecalling.