Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Resolution (singular)

While I have a yarn ball of resolutions that I'm pawing at (including goals for my spiritual, physical, emotional, and intellectual life), I've decided to narrow down my annual aspirations to just one this year: BE MORE FLEXIBLE.

As I was reminded in this sermon today, making a resolution first requires repentance for failing to do that which you are resolving to do. So, in resolving to be more flexible this year, I am admitting that I often fail at this, falling into the rigidity of my own expectations and agenda.

I am a planner, so my tendency when plans change is to resist and become anxious. I am learning, though, that it's a lot easier to go with God instead of fight Him (even though I often want to resisit Him), so I'm praying that this year more than any other, He will teach me to be more immediately and completely obedient and accepting of His will, that my heart will yield willingly to His plans, trusting that they are far more perfect and purposeful than my own.

I want to remember that other people are often right, that there is more than one way to do something, and that plan B isn't always inferior to plan A. This takes humility--another quality that I confess I often lack.

So, when you see me struggling to make peace with change in any way (spiritually, physically, circumstantially), please know that it is just that: a struggle. But this year, by God's grace, it will be a joyful struggle, knowing that I am becoming more like Him through repentance and humility.

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