Phil came in from a bike ride minutes after I got home from work today and greeted me with, "You'll never guess what just happened." Honestly, I love it when he starts conversations like that because usually I have no idea what he's about to say and there's something adventurous and anticipatory about the half-second before he tells me what it is. I also enjoy trying to read his mind and making a guess, so since it had rained earlier today, I confidently replied, "You wiped out on your bike, didn't you?" To my complete surprise, he responded with smirking mixed with bewilderment saying, "No, I just got bit by a dog!" After determining that he was all right, I couldn't suppress a grin any longer and we both had a good laugh...and continue to laugh about it. You have to admit that it's a pretty funny story. And don't worry--the owner was outside and was, of course, extremely apologetic and reassured Phil that the dog had all its shots. Of course, I'd say that too if my dog just bit someone!
Apparently, being bitten by a dog isn't just for mail carriers in movies anymore; it's for your average bike rider in a quiet neighborhood. That's right: a bulldog bit Phil today. So, it's only appropriate that we remember this monumental day with pictures and blogging...and possibly some antibiotics in case he contracts rabies.
yikes! so are you going to track down the owners or just have a good laugh?
AGH! Man, that's disgusting!
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