Saturday, March 8, 2008

My brain on drugs

For the first time since my sophomore year in high school, and despite my incessant hand washing, I caught the flu. I've spent the last two days getting to know my couch very well, and yesterday, I slept 19 of 24 hours, and then managed to sleep another 9 hours last night. Needless to say, I should feel well-rested and alert at this point, but my brain feels more like a thousand ribbons, swaying in slow motion, leaving me dazed and, well, slow. Phil had a good time yesterday trying to talk to me and listening to me attempting to put words together. I think I tried to say the word "pillow" three times before actually being able to form the word. Today, I am able to speak in logical sentences, although moving around or thinking takes considerable effort, like trying to walk quickly through waist-deep water. It's times like this that I realize how often I take my health for granted, and times like this that I'm thankful for drugs like Tylenol and Phenergyn to make me feel better. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then the one above is what I imagine my brain to be right now: kind of crazy and psychedelic, but not how I want it to be forever...or even tomorrow. I'm on the mend, and hopefully the half-life that my brain is experiencing will reverse itself quickly because I'm ready to get off the couch and join the world again!

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