Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good Grief

If people judge a book by its cover, then this one may go unread by many...which would be their loss because it's one of the best books I've read in a long time. And if I ever decide to write a book, Lolly Winston's style is what I would want mine to imulate: witty, clever, deep, unique, and down to earth. While the girly beach-book cover made me initially skeptical, I quickly discovered why it was a national best seller.

Good Grief was the kind of book that I'd take with me in the car and read at red lights; I literally couldn't put it down. It wasn't just the story that compelled me to continue reading, but also the uniqueness of the characters and the creative, honest, and humorous ways that the author crafted the book.

The story is about Sophie Stanton, a young widow who loses her husband to cancer, and her process of grief. The book is divided into the five stages of grief (denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and acceptance), and gave me insight into the difficult process that grieving a loved one must be. I always love reading about how authors come up with their story ideas, and in the back of the book is an interview with the author that I found as interesting as the book itself.

So, if you're looking for book that reads easily but whose themes will resonate with you for weeks, pick up Good Grief, the book whose title doubles as its theme.

1 comment:

~Emily~ said...

Did I tell you I read that book? Did I give you that book? No, maybe it was Juli I gave it to... Anyway, I loved it too. Great writing. Of course, the subject matter definitely held my attention as well... I love reading your blogs--I feel like I can hear you say those things and it makes me smile :) Keep up the interesting work!