Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Media Fast: Part II

So, here's the thing about this media fast: it's not so much that I cut out the distractors as it is what I do with all that extra time. While I'm using my time more intentionally, the idea of a fast is to gain perspective, to turn to more eternal things, to spend time with God. And to be honest, I can't say that I've spent that extra time pursuing the eternal.

I've gotten a lot more grading done, which makes me feel accomplished and on top of things. I've cooked every night this week, which makes me feel accomplished and on top of things. I've exercised every day, which makes me feel accomplished and on top of things.

But fasting is not about feeling accomplished and on top of things. It's been a nice perk & I've certainly reaped the restful benefits of a simpler schedule, but feeling like my ducks are in a row is not the point. Not at all, really.

So, my challenge to myself for the second half of our media-free week is to spend the excess time on more life-giving endeavors. Now, yes, I'll still have papers to grade, but I don't want extra free time to translate into me becoming a workaholic.

I want to see God, and to see Him I have to seek him, and to seek Him I have to make time for him, to create space, and to use that space for study, reflection, writing, being outdoors, reading, prayer, creating, being in community with others--anything that points me to Him and is life-giving rather than life-sucking. Rather than seeing my extra time as an opportunity to pare down my to-do list (oh, how I love my control!), I want to see it as time to slow down long enough to gaze at God--however that may look.


Molly Page said...

I'm in love with this post. I respect your honesty, I applaud your insight, and I relate with your love of control ;).
While I'm super happy that you've gotten so much accomplished, I hope you don't mind if I pray that the next part of your fast is even more fulfilling and spiritually nourishing!!!
Keep us informed :)

Eating Cheetos said...

Daniel and I have been really talking about "time" lately. Your past two posts have been a great source for me. Isn't it interesting how good intentions can often become thwarted? I can see myself falling into the same trap you addressed in this post. You've inspired me to do some deep personal reorganization.