Monday, December 14, 2009

The Theory of Two First Names

It's been a while since I've posted one of my "theories," so here's the latest: people with two first names are automatically assumed to be stronger and cooler than those without two first names. Think about it. Matt Ryan. Ron Paul. Matthew Henry. Benjamin Franklin. Anne Frank. David Thomas. Eddie Murphy. Matthew Perry. John Stuart. Tim Allen. Elton John. Even television shows have picked up on this: Clark Kent. Lois Lane. Dick Tracy. Ricky Bobby. John Wayne. Who did I forget?

As I type these names, I realize that the two-first-name phenomenon happens more often among males, but regardless of gender, the double first name is dynamite in my book. Too bad I married a guy with the last name Johnson. Thankfully, he's a great guy and I can overlook the fact that his last name is uninteresting and, more importantly, isn't a first name. To those of you who have the distinction of having two first names, you have automatic cool points coming your way!

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