Thursday, May 21, 2009

Big Mouth

Today was my annual dentist appointment and, after a week or two of severe heat and cold sensitivity in one of my teeth (don't you wish that word could be tooths?), I was convinced that I had finally created my first cavity. Much to my relief, it was not a cavity. The problem? I use a toothbrush that's too big for my mouth, causing irritation in my gums. This information should not be surprising, considering someone asked me if I still had my baby teeth when I was in high school. "Big Mouth" was never my nickname in a literal way; I really do have one of the world's smallest adult mouths. Next time you see me, check it out. I'm okay with it, but it does mean that I now have to brush with a child's toothbrush. "Do you want a fairy princess one?" my hygienist asked. "Sure, why not?" I replied, thinking how this would really help my I-look-younger-than-I-am-problem. And yes, the toothbrush has Ariel on it...and sparkles...and is purple...and fits my teeth just right so that I don't have exposed gums that make my teeth hurt. So, here's to all you little mouths out there: suck it up and join the recommended age of 5-7 year olds who use the same size toothbrush. Now you don't have to just be a kid at heart; you can be a kid in the bathroom too.

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