Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bed Farkle

Don't judge a blog by its title. Don't do it. Or you might find your thoughts catapulting in the wrong direction. With that sage advice, let me dispel what bed farkle is NOT: Bed Farkle has nothing to do with sex, farting, or any other bodily function. Bed Farkle is a variation on a dice game, given to us by none other than Dwight Johnson, Phil's dad. If you've never played, it's extremely easy to learn, requires a little strategy, and taps into our universal desire to gamble, which makes it slightly addicting.

Basically, there are 2-6 players who each take a turn rolling 5 dice. Points are awarded for rolling a 5, a 1, or pairs, triples, or straights. You may roll more than once on your turn, but that's where the little bit of strategy comes into play. The first player to reach 10,000 points wins. To read the official instructions, go to http://www.smartboxdesign.com/farklerules.html.

Bed Farkle, then, is simply playing the game of Farkle on one's bed before going to sleep. It's a perfect way to wind down at the end of the day and the uneven, soft surface of the bed adds an extra element of chance when the dice roll (I'm easily entertained).

How could you not want to play a game with a title like that? It's a great conversation starter: "Do you want to farkle?" Prepare to be judged for such a question, but don't worry--farkling isn't dirty, it's just dicey. (Pardon the pun--I couldn't resist)

1 comment:

Camille Platt said...

that's cute. we play a lot of Yahtzee at the end of the day.