Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Moo update: 11 months

Let's just be cliche and say that I can't believe how time has flown, can't believe how big he's gotten, can't believe my baby is about to be one.

Okay, that's out of the way. Sometimes, you just gotta muck it up with the mainstream and get your cliche on.


This boy LOVES, LOVES, LOVES wheels. Dishwasher rack wheels, vacuum cleaner wheels, stroller wheels (especially stroller wheels), truck wheels, steering wheels. Wheels, wheels, wheels. Phil took Moo to the zoo the other day and he sat on the concrete and played with his stroller wheels for 30 minutes. Serious concentration. (And don't judge: I know stroller wheels are disgusting, but I have to choose my battles, and that's nothing a good hand washing won't fix. Besides, I'm all about building that immune system.)

He's also really into imitating sounds like sirens and animal sounds (sheep, horse, rhino, elephant, cat, lion, and dog).

He still loves animals and I still don't, so we make friends with people who have dogs and visit the zoo a lot. When we're at my parents', I suck it up and let the six cats and two dogs lick all over us and cover us with their hair. He has no idea how much that is an act of love for me. :) And he's still pretty smitten with his favorite stuffed animals, Raffe and Cola, and gives them lots of snuggles all day long.

Buttons that make something move or make noise are definitely in. He loves to push them and then look at us for affirmation. Precious.

Finally, he loves the outdoors. This boy would live outside if I let him. He usually cries when I take him back inside. It may be a loooong winter, folks.

He's also into being shirtless.
As for personality, he's definitely an extravert. He tends to be shy when first meeting someone, but then warms up and wants to interact and play games like peekaboo or chase. He's happy most of the time (except when he gets his diaper changed--cries every time), although he's very attached to me right now. He's affectionate with those he knows, giving kisses and snuggles frequently. He's extremely curious. I call him my little "engineer" because he's constantly trying to figure out how things work, turning toys over to look at the on/off switch, locking and unlocking doors, turning on and off light switches, and exploring every nook of everywhere. He's also persistent. When he wants something, he works at it and works at it (or works on me and works on me until I give in). He's very playful and silly, loving to dance, laugh, and play games, and he's very observant, noticing every sound or change in his world.

Our hearts are full! So much love for our little Moo. 


Camille Platt said...

Love. That last picture is to die for!

Kathleen said...

Too cute!!

Rebecca said...

And he is so lucky to have you. We lead such blessed, blessed lives here...