Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mary Oliver, I love you

It's National Poetry Month, so it's only appropriate with you that I post an April poem. Mary Oliver is one of my favorite poets, and a friend of mine just gave me her latest book of poetry, Red Bird. Here's my favorite so far, reminiscent of W. H. Auden's "Musee des Beaux Arts":

This Day, and Probably Tomorrow Also

Full of thought, regret, hope dashed or not dashed yet,
full of memory, pride, and more than enough
of spilled, personal grief,

I begin another page, another poem.

So many notions fill the day! I give them
gowns of words, sometimes I give them
little shoes that rhyme.

What an elite life!

While somewhere someone is kissing a face that is crying.
While somewhere women are walking out, at two in the morning--
many miles to find water.
While somewhere a bomb is getting ready to explode.

1 comment:

Cong Ca Cong Cong Cong said...

I want a date with you to discuss this poem. I am fascinated by your poetic mind and I would love to learn your thoughts on the matter. What do you say?