Thursday, December 11, 2014

Three Things Thursday

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Thing One: Temptation
If you're really my friend, you'll buy me ridiculous amounts of Bark Thins (Dark Chocolate Pretzel--with Sea Salt). Actually, if you're my friend you will NOT buy me these because I will absolutely eat every last one of them. In a day.  They should just get it over with and call it crack. Hoping my grandmother hates them so I can eat the bag I bought her as part of her Christmas gift. Truth. Oh, and it's Fair Trade so it's clearly guilt-free (just don't read the label).

Thing Two: Victory!
The newly-three-year-old of the house is officially potty trained! His idea + Cars undies (or "fundies," as we call them) + Bribery + A grand prize trip to visit his favorite cousin = Done in a under a month. Whew. You're welcome, landfill. We're filling you up at half the rate.

Thing Three: The only two words you need to know.
The one-year-old now knows the only two words you really need to know in life: "No!" and "Cookie!"

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