Monday, February 8, 2010


I can't take credit for what I'm about to share with you; my friend, Sarah, can be blamed for the ridiculous amount of "study breaks" I've taken lately. Be warned, though. This website will probably suck you in. I feel the need to qualify the site before sharing it with you. I'm not a trivia person. Not at all. I don't remember random facts or trivial information. I remember things if they're part of  a story, part of my experience, or something I've seen (and even then, my memory is questionable).  BUT I LOVE this site that's full of timed quizzes on anything from words that start and end with "d" to Arrested Development facts to countries in Africa. So, enough said. Check it out for yourself: No wonder its motto is "mentally stimulating diversions". Consider me officially diverted.

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